La romance sentimentale
The contemporaneity of Jane Austen : the ongoing subversion of canons and ideologies in Romance writing
Anne Besnault (ERIAC, Université de Rouen)
Title : Writing With and Against Romance : Jane Austen ‘s Sense and Sensibility and Mansfield Park
Senior Lecturer in British Literature and Gender Studies, 19-20th centuries.
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Myriam Boussahba (GRIC, Université Le Havre Normandie)
Title : After Jane Austen : “Regency” Romance Today
Professor in Social History, Gender History, International feminisms, 19-20th century Britain.
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Florence Cabaret (ERIAC, Université de Rouen)
Title : Transnationalizing Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice
Senior Lecturer in British and Postcolonial Literatures, film studies and translation Studies, 20-21st centuries.
CV at
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